Uncertainty principle

This site is part of the gravimotion's web sites family.
Gravimotion is a new unheard-of interpretation of physics mathematics.
It so happens that gravimotion and the uncertainty principle fit like hand in glove!

Neither writer nor physicist, the author uses plain logic as a guide. Reading Time: 2 min 30 seconds

The Uncertainty Principle Involves 2 Related Quantities.

If a measurement is exact (which never happens in experiments) the uncertainty of measure is zero.
The uncertainty principle relates the uncertainty of measurement of a position to the uncertainty measurement of a dynamic phenomenon such as speed or momentum.
The uncertainty principle is also relating the measurements uncertainties of time and energy or time and frequency.
Here are a few examples of the dual quantities involved in the uncertainty principle:
  • Position and speed
  • Position and momentum
  • Time and energy
  • ... and many more

Introduction to the uncertainty principle

Choosing the first example above, physics' uncertainty principle is as follows:
The product of the uncertainties of measurements of speed and position is equal or greater than Planck's constant, which is a very small number.
In the illustration shown on this page the expression " almost equal sign 0% " stands for "almost equal to zero", the almost being "precisely Planck's constant" (a very small value).
Knowledge is balanced
And please note that 100% or 100/100 = 1.
The animated graph illustrates the extremes cases.
Case 1
The best physical measure of the speed of an object (almost 0% uncertainty), forbids any measure (100% uncertainty) of its position.
Case 2
Conversely the best measure of the position of an object (almost 0% uncertainty) forbids the exact measure and knowledge of its speed (100% uncertainty).
In science's experiments, quantities are never measured with 100% accuracy, so one might be tempted to assert that the uncertainty principle is a consequence of our human imprecisions.
Yet this is not the case, the uncertainty principle involves Planck's constant which is an absolute value that is not null.

This gravimotion interpretation of the uncertainty principle mandates the dismissal of our human concept of position

Consider the reality of the expansion of the universe... the reality is that everything is in motion; everything has a speed.
Merging the expansion of the universe (every thing is moving) with the uncertainty principle (if something is moving that something has no position) abolishes, even at our scale, the concept of position!
Taking in account reality that is the expansion of the universe, our human concept of position is not a physical entity.

And that's not all! The concept of position gone, the reality of motion becomes certainty!

Because everything is in motion along the expansion of the universe:
  1. There is no position in reality.
  2. Conversely though, the uncertainty principle mandates that motion is 100% certain that is real!

The combination of physics-uncertainty-principle with the reality-of-the-universe-expansion brings certainty right back to our human interpretation (theoretical physics) of Nature!

What is that certainty unveiled by the uncertainty principle?

Motion is certainty.
Certainty is only found in change.
The only thing certain is change or motion.

Gravimotion and the uncertainty principle fit like hand in glove

Gravimotion, which happens to be exclusively based on motion, is in perfect symbiosis with the mathematics of the Uncertainty Principle.
Motion which is certain, is in gravimotion the building block of the universe; in gravimotion's interpretation of Nature, light is pure motion, gravity is pure motion, space-time is pure motion, even subatomic particles (matter) are made of motion.

In order to focus on the subject and not to divert your attention with yet another controversy, I mentioned the expansion of the universe all along this page; for your information though, in gravimotion interpretation of Nature the present is made of movements called the present mo(ve)ment, and gravimotion's present mo(ve)ment replaces and abolishes physics expansion of the universe.

And there is much more to gravimotion!
You will find a full treatise on gravimotion at:
Gravimotion interpretation of Nature

Contact us at: henriJMsalles[at]gmail.com Subject: gravimotion. Any other subject is not considered and disregarded.
Copyright ©2025 by Henri Salles. You have the permission to reproduce, print,distribute and post the contents of this website, provided you mention proper citation and acknowledgment: www.uncertainty-principle.info or the link: https://uncertainty-principle.info